
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Zuckerberg and Parker object to "The Social Network" portrayal

  Facebook co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has publicly stated his personal objection to the way he was portrayed in the movie based on his life, "The Social Network", claiming that his reasons for starting the site were completely misrepresented.

  During an appearance at Stanford University's 'Startup School' conference, Zuckerberg said: "The thing that I think is most thematically interesting that they got wrong is... the whole framing of the movie, I'm with this girl who doesn't exist in real life who dumps me". He explained that "they frame it as if the whole reason for making Facebook and building something was because I wanted to get girls, or wanted to get into some sort of social institution."

  Zuckerberg continued: "The reality for people that know me is that I've been dating the same girl since before I started Facebook so obviously that's not a part of it." However, he is quick to point out that one aspect of him was very accurate in the film: "It's interesting what stuff they focused on getting right. Every single shirt or fleece I had in that movie is actually a shirt of fleece that I own!"

  Zuckemberg is not the only one showing discomfort towards the movie, Napster founder Sean Parker has claimed that Justin Timberlake's incarnation of himself in the film does not match with the reality of what really happened.

  In the movie, Parker is portrayed as a ambitious party-loving person who acts as a mentor to Facebook's founder by manipulating him constantly. "It's a great performance of a character that isn't me," he told Us Weekly.

 Have you seen "The Social Network"? Do you believe the film's plot is far from the truth or this is just some public relations damage control? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. I still have not seen this yet, but its a pitty knowing tthey didnt follow the characters right

  2. This movie is a terribly disappointing and obviously one-sided story. How hard would it have been for the makers of this film to schedule some face time (no pun intended) with Zuckerberg to get a more rounded, accurate view of what took place.
    In particular, they left all the stuff about Zuckerberg being a complete jerk unchallenged. This movie feels and is a story told totally from Savarin's perspective who obviously is going to attempt to destroy Zuckerberg's reputation.
    That's simply not fair.
    Oh but they got his clothes right. So that's important!
